My Bright Side

Living in Zambia isn’t always easy.  I have my good days, but I also have my bad days.  There are days when I jump out of bed and am ready to face whatever challenges come my way, but also days when I hit snooze on my alarm five times and am still reluctant to climb out of my mosquito net and try to prepare myself for whatever challenges I am going to face that day.  I knew this wouldn’t be easy, but when I am having a bad day, I am so thankful, and so blessed, that I can walk through the double doors of my church and feel peace.

I walk through the doors and there are always smiling faces and people ready to greet me and ask me how I am doing.

There are always people willing to laugh with me, and sometimes at me, as I try to navigate a culture that is still almost completely foreign to me.

My church community is something that I never expected.  Every day that we have a program, I know that I will smile.  Every day that I go to school, I know that my students will teach me something new.  Every day that I get to spend time with the amazing and talented people in my praise team and my choir, I know that I will be happy.  Every day that I get to make new connections, I know that I will never forget my time in Kanyama.  And every day that I make a new friendship, a real friendship, I am thankful for everything that has led me to this point in my journey.

Things haven’t been easy, but that’s okay.  I will continue to struggle and I will continue to feel overwhelmed, but I will also continue to make memories that I will never forget, even once I leave.

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